Mother-In-Law Tells Woman To ‘Work Harder In The Bedroom’ To Have Baby


Have you ever been in a situation where the people around you think that they know what’s best for you? I know, it’s so frustrating to deal with them, but what’s the appropriate way to respond when you find yourself in such situation? Should you confront them with your opinion (tried that, doesn’t work), or just go full-out jerk-mode and say whatever comes to your mind – knowing well that it might ruin your relationship with that person forever.

Well, one woman recently found herself in a rather sticky situation, so she decided to take it to Reddit and ask for advice. And what’s better than asking a bunch of strangers for their honest, unbiased opinion – especially if you can’t turn to the people that should support you.

Case in point, Reddit user J_M461 shared that she can’t stand the way her mother-in-law treats her, so one day, she decided that enough is enough, and she finally snapped. She told her mother-in-law to go and f. herself, but now she’s second-guessing herself, so she took it to the Am I The A-hole subreddit to ask if she was in the wrong for snapping at her MIL.

Before you make any decision, we invite you to check out the full story below.



After the story got a lot of attention, people started asking questions, so the Original Poster posted an update on the situation:

Most importantly, though, the majority of Reddit voted that she’s not the a-hole here, and she had every right to stand her ground. To add to that, most people suggested she runs from this toxic family as fast as she can!

