Manager Tells Employee Pregnancy Is Not An Excuse For Low Productivity, Asks If He’s Wrong


Employers and managers often forget that their employees don’t live for the job. Any individual human being’s work can be compromised with varying needs, and we’re not robots that can perform 100 percent all the time.

As the old saying goes, we’re supposed to ‘work to live’, and not the other way around. Sometimes, though, a toxic work environment can make you perform even worse at your job.
We’ve all been in a situation when we’re too sick to work, or going through a difficult situation with family or a loved one. It’s often the case that a worker’s work performance is suffering due to some personal issues that are largely out of their control.

We all know that the United States is notoriously famous when it comes to maternity leave or parents with young children, but employers and managers shouldn’t forget that it’s illegal to discriminate against an employee because they’re pregnant.

A frustrated manager recently decided to take it to the popular Am I The A-hole subReddit to ask if they were in the wrong for telling an employee that their pregnancy is not an excuse for low productivity. Reddit had a lot to say about this, so we invite you to check out the whole story for yourself below.



The jury of the internet had a lot to say about this manager. The majority of Redditors voted him to be the a-hole, and even his own wife agrees to it! What do you think about it? Should he take all the blame, or you believe that it’s partially because of how things are set up in the US when it comes to protecting maternity rights?
