Bride-To-Be Asks For Fiance’s Son To Exclude His Boyfriend For Their Wedding


Have you ever heard the term ‘bridezilla’? It’s most commonly used to describe over-the-top brides that go crazy when it comes to their weddings, and they do some really unnecessary things. This bridezilla, however, is too much even in the bridezilla world, and when you read the full story, you’ll realize why.

The husband-to-be, a single dad since the age of 18, decided to take it to Reddit’s Am I The A-hole sub to ask if he was crazy for considering calling off his wedding after his fiance asked him to make sure his son doesn’t bring his boyfriend to their wedding. Why? Because her family would disapprove of him being gay!

WIBTA if I called off my wedding because my fiance does not want my son to bring his boyfriend to the wedding? from r/AmItheAsshole


Oh my… this is truly a wild one! Most Redditors agreed that the fiance and dad wouldn’t be in the wrong if he called off the wedding.
