Man Asks Wife’s BFF To Paint Free Painting For Him, Even Though He Still Hasn’t Paid Her For Babysitting


There’s a subreddit called r/ChoosingBeggars where Redditors are shaming people who make unreasonable demands. The two most common categories of choosing beggars are people who are devaluing art, and people who are devaluing childcare. Believe it or not, though, the guy in this story managed to fall in both of these categories simultaneously: He asked a friend of his wife to help them watch their kids and paint a free Christmas portrait for them. Of course, he defended his request by saying that it’s for “exposure”, and the conversation ticks pretty much all of the boxes on “How to be a jerk”.

The conversation was posted by the artist on r/ChoosingBeggars:



Yes, you read that right. This guy believes that the cost of art is nothing more than the cost of the materials (even though it would take her 30+ hours to paint the painting he wants), but to add to that, he didn’t even pay her for babysitting his 4 children. Oh, and he believes that she got the canvas for free because she currently has it in her house. Oh, and not to mention the cherry on the cake: he asked her the very next day to babysit his kids because, apparently, their regular babysitter couldn’t make it. I just hope she didn’t agree to it.

This is what people had to say about this guy:

