“Chores Chart” Created By Wife Promises Husband Beer And Pleasure To Basically Act Like An Adult


Can you imagine a world where all men play an equal part in managing the household, and they do it naturally, without throwing comical tantrums?
Sadly, patriarchy and gender stereotypes are still a thing, even in 2020, and this so-called chores chart proves that.

We imagine that the chart was created by an overworked, fed-up wife, and it promises a range of “rewards” for her husband in return for completing household chores such as washing dishes, putting the toilet seat down, changing diapers, and packing the kids’ lunch. The rewards include a hula dance with no clothes on, a 12-pack of beer, and so on.

The photo of the chart was shared on Reddit by user u/Wolf_Mommy, and many women were very upset. She shared that even though she gets that the spirit of the chart is humor, it made her feel sick, as it doesn’t feel right to offer up intimacy for housework or child care. I mean, do men really need a reward chore chart like this to participate in routine activities of daily living?


What’s even sadder is that some men seemed to be fully in favor of this chart, and they commented that it seems like a really good idea.