Bar Owner Bans ‘Bar Moms’ For Interrupting Customers Flirting, Asks If He’s Wrong


Being trapped in a conversation at a bar with a stranger who is clearly flirting with you, and you desperately want to avoid them, is a truly awkward situation.

I mean, ‘testing the waters’ is okay, but everyone should learn how to gracefully accept rejection, especially in a public space. No, I take that back – anywhere!

If you see that the person you’re talking to is not interested, you should just move on, and that’s it.

So, one frustrated bar owner decided to ban the ‘bar moms’, his girlfriend’s friends from his bar after they ‘watched out’ for every other girl in the bar. The story is a bit messy, so we invite you to check it out for yourself below and share your thoughts in the comment section.



Although looking out for strangers is an admirable quality, especially in a world where women face such challenges daily, but are the ‘bar moms’ really keeping bar customers safe and happy?
Yes, bars can be potentially dangerous, but as with everything in life, there’s a line that one shouldn’t cross, and Reddit agreed that these women crossed the line.

