Woman ‘Shames’ Mom For Breastfeeding 6-Year-Old Kid At A Public Park, Asks If She’s Wrong


Reddit user u/plumbus_hun recently shared that she’s a mom of two and she was enjoying a day in the park alongside her kids and husband.

Another woman came next to them with her school-age son and started breastfeeding her baby. Plumbus_hun’s three-year-old daughter was confused, and the other woman confronted the family and accused them of shaming her after she overheard their conversation. The mom of two now wants to know if she was in the wrong for ‘breastfeed shaming’ another woman, and we invite you to read the full story before making any judgments.



Although judging by the headline, I expected to blame the OP and call her an a-hole, it turns out that the only a-hole here was the other woman. Most Redditors wrote that the Original Poster was in no way the a-hole here, and that the only one to blame was the other woman that was intentionally breastfeeding her six-year-old in public and was looking for trouble. What do you think, who was in the right here?
