Woman Got Texts From A Guy She Met On A Train And People Think It’s Creepy


In the era of technology, getting a text from an unknown number is not that uncommon. Whether it’s a telemarketer who’s trying to sell you something, your friend who keeps changing their number, or a number who you just didn’t bother to save, we usually know how to handle these messages.

However, what if it’s someone you met randomly, didn’t give any personal information to, and they go through all this trouble to track you down and text you? It kinda goes from 0 to ‘creepy’ really fast. This is exactly what happened to Twitter user @Lyndahx who had a short friendly conversation with a man on a train, and as most of us didn’t think would meet ever again. Well, she was wrong. They went through all this length of (as he says) searching her on Instagram, then tracking her friends, getting her number and then texting her. Creepy much? I think yes. Read the whole conversation below and tell us what you think.


Umm….how do you ‘search’ someone on Instagram without having their personal information or handle? Also, yes, he totally could’ve first followed her on Instagram and not look this much as a stalker.
