Mom Creates “Bulletproof” Dress For Her Daughter’s Fist Day Of School


Sending your kids to school can be an emotional roller-coaster for most parents especially after everything that happened in the past year

As unfortunate as it is, after everything that happened many people believe that firearms are more important than children.

We all remember what happened at The Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, when 21 lives tragically perished, and many people fear that their kids could be next.

Cassie Arnold is a mother and an arts educator from Texas who decided to create a chilling reminder of the danger that kids in America face in schools, so she sent her daughter to first grade in a dress sewn together with Kevlar – the material used to create bulletproof vests.


She shared a photo of her daughter on Instagram, and quicly it became a very important topic of conversation. You can check it out for yourself below.


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In the description, she wrote that the School Uniform (Bulletproof Dress) is the way that she’s processing all of her feelings. Although it was originally designed to be satirical and more of an extreme response to all the school tragedies, the real responses from some of the country’s leaders are too close for comfort.

“I do not want to normalize this type of environment for any child. None of these responses are solutions that will effect the deep, cultural change that is needed. They are temporary reactions to the root issues. The money spent on any of them could be given to programs that support mental health and wellness, to provide interventions in the lives of students who are struggling, to sustainably support teachers, to legislate gun laws that will help protect human lives.” – she continued.

Cassie hopes that a civil conversation about the safety of our children will occur. Her timing is intentional: school starts in a few days, and the elections in November are coming, so it’s time to pressure those who have the agency to create changes to do so.


“It is time to support teachers and give them the resources that they need to inspire our students. It is time to answer this violence with love and logic instead of more violence.” – she concludes.

Source: Upworthy