Men’s vs. Women’s List Of Things They Do On A Daily Base To Actually Protect Themselves 


People constantly ask why are women so angry. Yes, we are angry, mad do be exact. And why? We have a lot of reasons really. A lot of it comes from recent events such as the Supreme Court nominee who’s been accused of an assault and of course our beloved president who doesn’t miss out on a chance to publicly disrespect women.

We have a lot of reasons to be angry. A lot of men of wealth and power who have been accused are not being held accountable for their actions, I mean, you would be pissed too, right? Not feeling safe in your everyday environment and taking extra precaution measures every time you are out for a drink or go jogging alone. I don’t think women themselves even realize how much energy, time and effort they put into these little things they do every day in a desperate try to protect themselves.

Facebook user Drew McKenna put this into perspective by sharing a list from the book by author Jackson Katz called “The Macho Paradox: Why Some Men Hurt Women and How All Men Can Help.” Namely, Jackson who is a social researcher has done this experiment with his audience many times.

Namely, he draws a table on the chalkboard where the one side has a male symbol on it and the other one a female. Then he first asks the males what do they do on a daily basis to protect themselves from being assaulted and writes down the answers. Most of the time, men go into awkward silence thinking it’s a trick question. It then continues on to a laugh and at the end, someone will raise a hand to say that “they just don’t think about it.”


Women on the other hand, of course, had a lot to say. All these things they do as a precaution measure have become a part of their daily routine.

Starting from using the keys as a defense, not jogging with headphones on, to going on dates in public places, the list could go on forever. This is how generations of women before us lived and this is how we live too. It’s considered ‘normal’. But it’s not normal, and it should NOT ever be normal. Unless we teach our sons different, this is how our daughters will live too!
