Male Boss Forces Woman To Tell Him Why She Had To Visit Her Gynecologist


Although we’ve come a long way towards gender equality, there’s still a lot of work to be done, and this recent post on the Am I The A-hole subreddit proves this.

Why is it that (some)men are so grossed out by the intimate aspects of the female body? I guess we’ll never know. However, the least they can do is understand when we need a day off for a regular check up.

Well, Reddit user u/stormywhethers321 recently shared that she had an appointment with her gynecologist, and it had already been approved so she couldn’t reschedule. Her boss, however, kept urging her to cancel the appointment and come to work. So, the woman had no other option to tell him the real reason of why she has to go to the gynecologist.

Although he told her that she had the morning off to go to her appointment, he noted that she shouldn’t have told him that. She now wanted to know if she was in the wrong for telling her boss the real reason of why she needed to visit her gynecologist, and Reddit had a lot to say about the situation.



Most Redditors voted that the woman was absolutely not in the wrong here, and her boss really didn’t need to ask questions about her appointment.
